Thursday, 30 September 2021

Love in the Sun by Leo Walmsley (1939)

A few weeks ago, while looking for titles to buy for my e-reader (I'm stocking up because we are off on a trip again) I came across Simon's post on Love in the Sun by Leo Walmsley. It is described as a novel and the subject matter sounded right up my street, so I ordered it. When I started reading I was confused because it felt like non fiction: very little plot and endless technical details of doing up a house and a boat. After reading articles on the website of the Leo Walmsley Society I understood it was a thinly disguised autobiography. It is the story of a young man and woman with very little money who hire an old hut near a Cornwall village. They do up the house, create a garden and manage to scrape a living.  That's the basic story, really! I found it very entertaining. Simon mentioned there are sequels, so I will look out for them too. 

And yes, while the books were meant to read on holiday I have already read four of them, so I will have to find some more.  Anyone else find it hard to resist the temptation of a new book?


  1. I have bought several non-fiction books recently on wooden church carvings (after visiting the amazing house Plas Newydd in Llangollen, N. Wales). Then at a car boot sale, two more non-fiction, both Welsh history. Resist temptation with books . . . nah!!

  2. You do come across some interesting books but I'd better not buy this one as I will be ploughing through my huge heap of library books first

  3. Geweldig die boeken van jou. Ik heb meteen gezocht en er zijn vele boeken van hem, mooi geïllustreerd ook, maar wel meest moeilijk verkrijgbaar. Misschien moet ik dan toch ook maar aan de e reader. Maar echt fijn dat je boekenplank deelt, ik heb er menig leuk boek aan overgehouden!

  4. I know, books are hard to resist! I mostly buy second-hand, and also borrow a lot from the library. Being able to reserve books from home, I think, is one of life's luxuries. My e-reader is mainly for use on holiday. Sorry for keeping you waiting, I was away on holiday.
