Monday 16 January 2023

Two years of blogging

 I have been blogging for two years now and so far I have reread my way through most of the books on my shelves. There are a few left, most of which are obviously the ones I am not very keen on. We'll see: will I get round to them or will I indulge in some book buying? After all, I have dozens of new (to me) titles to choose from, thanks to all your comments and emails.

Recently I took a look at the statistics to see which posts are the most popular. Much to my surprise the most read post is the one on My New Forest Home by Irene Soper, a book that, until last year, was unknown to me. Other popular posts are on Copsford by J.C.Murray and, of course, on two of the Elizabeth West books.

This year I plan to feature a few unusual books in this genre, such as The Farm in the Green Mountains by Alice Herdan-Zuckmayer (German refugees take up farming in Vermont in the 1940's) and No Matter How Many Skies Have Fallen by Ken Worpole (about Frating Hall Farm, set up in 1943, which provided a settlement and livelihood for individuals and families and a temporary sanctuary for refugees and prisoners-of-war). I also hope to receive information on the life of Dorothy Campion (author of Take Not Our Mountain).


  1. Thank you for blogging for 2 years and introducing me to many new titles in one of my favourite genres as well as reminding me of books read years ago.
    Good luck with 'No matter how many skies......' I borrowed it from the library but didn't finish it - very boring!

    Love the look of your bookshelves - need a closer close up!

  2. Thank you from me too - several of my most-loved reads have been recommendations from your blog. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the rest of your 'to be read' pile - I bet I'm not the only one who has zoomed in on the photo of your bookshelf to see if I can spot any interesting new titles!
