Monday 18 April 2022

A Curious Thing in a Yorkshire Cottage

In my earlier post I wrote about Yorkshire Cottage by Ella Pontefract and Marie Hartley. On page 101 of this book I came across this paragraph:

The text refers to a three year old girl who, with her mother and small brother, has fled from Belgium. Her father is 'interned' (= in a concentration camp) in France. She is being evacuated to Yorkshire and spends some time with Ella and Marie. 

According to this book being mixed race barred you from benefiting from Government evacuation schemes. Can this be true? I keep coming back to this paragraph as is just sounds so cruel. I have contacted a few organisations about this, but so far have received no replies. If anyone can shed any light on this, or if you know of any sources I could use, I would be most grateful.

1 comment:

  1. That seems so cruel to bar children of mixed race from being evacuated. Thank heavens that the Quakers stepped up to the mark.
